'Celebrating 15th Anniversary of the Macao SAR - Talents Group Investigation Plan’ Successfully concluded

The ‘Celebrating 15th Anniversary of the Macao SAR - Talents Group Investigation Plan’ hosted by the Talents Development Committee was held from 1 to 5 February. During the five days event, 19 candidates who are Macao residents either working or started businesses in areas/regions outside Macao, visited government departments, tertiary institutions, Macao’s large-scale business facilities and the historic centre of Macao. They subsequently attended conversaziones to exchange thoughts with people from different sectors of Macao. The participants expressed that Macao has significant economic and infrastructural development over the 15 years since the establishment of the SAR Government. This investigation visit has allowed them to understand more about future plans of Macao, and it is hoped that the societal growth will bring along more opportunities.

Participants of the investigation plan visited several public services departments and organisations, including the Cultural Affairs Bureau, Committee of Cultural Industries, Supporting Office to the Secretariat of China and Portuguese-Speaking Countries Economic Cooperation Forum (Macao), Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre, Infrastructure Development Office, Tourism Development Committee, Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, Transportation and Infrastructure Office, Health Bureau, and Science and Technology Development Fund. With the opportunities to exchange thoughts with different heads of departments, participants of the plan gained a deeper understanding of the SAR Government’s future plans and talents needs in areas such as culture and the arts, medical healthcare, trade and economics, and infrastructures. In addition, the participants also visited higher education institutions such as the Hengqin Campus of the University of Macau, Institute for Tourism Studies and Macao Polytechnic Institute, to understand more about talents nurturing in higher institutes.

In the afternoon of 5 February, the Talents Development Committee organised two conversaziones at Conference Hall One & Two of the Wui Chi Building of Macao Polytechnic Institute, where 11 of participants shared their career paths and delivered speeches on industries closely related to Macao, such as information technology, medical and healthcare, convention and exhibition. Conversaziones attracted more than 100 spectators who have engaged discussions with the speakers at the questions and answers sessions. After several days of inspection visits and exchange of ideas in Macao, candidates offered their valuable opinions and suggestions to Committee members in drawing in talents to return to Macao. Some participants expressed that this trip have allowed them to have a clear picture of Macao’s development goal and direction towards a diversified economy, and its practical move towards the development plan of building ‘one centre, one platform’ . With the socio-economic growth of Macao, it is hoped that Macao SAR could provide more opportunities for Macao residents living further afield.

Candidates of the Investigation Plan and the Talents Development Committee members